Monday, November 08, 2010

One-Of-A-Kind Auto Montages

Why settle for one great image of your one-of-a-kind car or bike when Cruisin' Photography now offers one-of-a-kind multiple-image custom Auto Montages?

Cruisin' Photography's Auto Montages are custom made - not cookie-cutter designs! Any design element from the samples can be interchanged to ensure that your Auto Montage is truly a one-of-a-kind image.

If you are at the same cruise/show as Cruisin’ Photography, photographs can be taken free of charge with no obligation. We can also discuss sizes and styles of Auto Montage. Sizes available are: 11 x 17, 16 x 20 and 20 x 30 inches. Alternatively, you can send your own high-resolution images and a few ideas of what you require and leave the rest to Cruisin’ Photography - it’s that easy!

When your 50% deposit for the Auto Montage is received, the creation process begins. Watermarked low-resolution samples will be e-mailed to you for approval.

When the montage is completed, it will be printed and mailed to you in a sturdy mailing tube with an invoice for the remaining balance.

One-Of-A-Kind Auto Montages Size And Price Chart

Three or Five-Image Montages:
11 x17 inches, $45
16 x 20 inches, $60
20 x 30 inches, $80

Seven or Nine-Image Montages:
11 x17 inches, $50
16 x 20 inches, $65
20 x 30 inches, $85

What are you waiting for? Contact Cruisin' Photography at for a one-of-a-kind Auto Montage... NOW!